The latest drama fan group introduced to the most convenient interface, providing clear informationnCheck out the latest drama fans facilitate the drama program
日劇TV番最新日劇番組介紹, 以最簡便的介面, 提供清楚的資訊方便各日劇迷查閱最新日劇節目內容每季更新~ (2011年至2020年)版本 4.0.0 新功能介面大更新特別鳴謝:《劍心.回憶》kenshin hkTV seriesIntroduction of the latest Japanese drama fan group, with the most convenient interface, providing clear informationConvenient for all Japanese drama fans to check the latest Japanese drama programsThe content is updated quarterly~ (2011-2020)New in version 4.0.0Interface updateSpecial thanks:"Sword Heart. Memories" kenshin hk新增2022年4月新番